Instructions for consumers


May 8/2024

Postal address of Seinäjoki office changes

The postal address of the Finnish Food Authority’s Seinäjoki office has changed as of Monday, 6 May 2024. From now on, the address for post sent directly to the Seinäjoki office is the same as the…

Postal address of Seinäjoki office changes

April 19/2024

Two-factor authentication becomes mandatory in TRACES

Login to TRACES, a system used in the foreign trade of animals and products, will require two-step verification in future. Multifactor authentication (MFA) will become mandatory for all TRACES user on…

Two-factor authentication becomes mandatory in TRACES

April 11/2024

In Finland already 1.5 million Hygiene Passports

Already 1.5 million Hygiene Passports have been issued in Finland according to the Hygiene Passport -system coordinated by the Finnish Food Authority. Awareness of the necessary food hygiene practices…

In Finland already 1.5 million Hygiene Passports

April 8/2024

Receive our invoices from here on as digital mail in Kivra instead of paper mail

We have taken in use the digital mail service Kivra, starting from xxx, in addition to OmaPosti and Messages which were already in use. By registering to Kivra we will send in the future our…

Receive our invoices from here on as digital mail in Kivra instead of paper mail

March 29/2024

Sheep, goat and pig registers will be renewed

The Finnish Food Authority is redesigning the register of sheep, goats and pigs to better serve the changed needs of legislation, stakeholders and the technology environment. The three-year project…

Sheep, goat and pig registers will be renewed