Certificate of free sale

A certificate of free sale will assure for example that

  • your export product is freely for sale on the EU market
  • your business is subjected to controls in Finland
  • your food product is suited for consumption

The certificate is not usually issued per lot. There are also other names for certificates with the same contents, such as certificate of control, health certificate and HACCP certificate.

Information can be added to the certificate if needed, for example on the microbiological or radiological properties of the product. Remember to discuss this well ahead of time with the issuer of the certificate and to present the necessary test results on the properties to be recorded.

Your inspector will give you the certificate of free sale

  • Food: your municipal inspector
  • Feed and fertiliser products: The Finnish Food Authority

Take advantage of the existing model certificate for free sale of food

The model certificate for free sale formulated by the Finnish Food Authority can be used freely as a template for the certificates. Inform your inspector of this. The text on the certificate can be copied for example for the control unit’s own template.

You can change the text to suit your situation – but remember that the information guaranteed by the certificate always has to be correct.

Page last updated 5/3/2019