02 Suitability, adequacy and maintenance of facilities and equipment

All Oiva evaluation guidelines for registered food premises.

2.1 Suitability of Premises for Use as Food Premises

Guide/version: 2214/, valid from 2.1.2025

To be taken into consideration:

  • The nature and scope of the activities shall be taken into account in the evaluation of the suitability and adequacy of the facilities and the equipment.
  • The suitability and adequacy of waste management and loading docks are only evaluated based on this guideline if they lie within the responsibility of the food premises.
  • The adequacy and suitability of means of transport are evaluated in point 15.3.

Matters to be controlled:

  • The facilities of the food premises (facilities for reception, storage, handling, cleaning equipment, dishwashing, serving, packing, sale etc.) are suitable and adequate to meet the requirements resulting from the nature and scope of the activities.
  • The arrangement of the facilities and the production lines in the food premises ensure there is no risk of contamination (the direction of rotation of the activities is from a clean area to a dirty area).
  • The structures (including HVAC arrangements) and the surfaces (walls, floors, ceiling) are suitable for the activities
  • Adequacy of water supplies
  • The suitability and adequacy of changing facilities, toilets and waste management facilities are controlled, if they lie within the responsibility of the food premises. (The aforementioned facilities may be located separate from the food premises; for example in shopping centres, the changing facilities may be located separate from the facilities of the food premises)
  • The suitability and adequacy of the washing facilities of transport receptacles in relation to the nature and scope of the activities
  • Means of transport classified according to the ATP Agreement are used as the means of transport for international carriage of quick-frozen foodstuffs and other carriage of perishable foodstuffs covered by the ATP Agreement.
  • The suitability and adequacy of storage space for reusable transport receptacles
  • The suitability and adequacy of bottle return areas if they are located in the facilities of the food premises
  • Hygiene related to recycled water and its use
  • Hygiene related to water steam and its use
  • The water intended for human consumption comes from a plant that supplies water intended for human consumption or from own source of water intended for human consumption from which samples are taken on a regular basis as required by the Decree on water intended for human consumption.
  • The quality of water based on the analysis results of water samples (to be evaluated when the operator e.g. uses their own well or their own water treatment equipment, and the need for own-check samples has been established).
  • The adequacy and suitability of own-check activities and, where appropriate, the plan is controlled by applying the Annex to Guideline 1.6: "Adequacy and Suitability of Own-check Activities".

Excellent: Operations are in line with the requirements.Operations comply with requirements.

There is adequate space in the food premises for hygienic operation, or hygiene is ensured through separation of activities in time.

The arrangement of facilities, the production lines, water supplies, dishwashing lines, HVAC arrangements, etc. are adequate and suitable for the activities.

The structures and surfaces are suitable for the activities.

The food premises include or have access to changing facilities, toilets and waste management that conform to requirements.

Means of transport classified according to the ATP Agreement are used as the means of transport for international carriage of frozen foodstuffs and other carriage of perishable foodstuffs covered by the ATP Agreement.

The quality of potable water fulfils the requirements of Decrees 1352/2015 or 401/2001 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The quality recommendations are not necessarily fulfilled, but the quality of the foodstuffs is not affected.

Good: There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.

The facilities and the arrangement of the facilities, and the structures and surfaces in facilities where perishable unpackaged food is handled, are suitable for the activities.

There are minor shortcomings in the suitability and/or adequacy of facilities other than the beforementioned.

The quality of potable water fulfils the requirements of Decrees 1352/2015 or 401/2001 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The quality recommendations are not fulfilled and the potable water may affect the quality of the foodstuffs, but food safety is not impaired.

To be corrected: There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.

The inadequacy of the facilities and/or of the arrangement of facilities in the food premises, and/or the unsuitability of the structures and surfaces in the facilities result in impaired food safety.

In facilities where perishable unpackaged foodstuffs are handled, separate water supply/supplies is/are not provided for washing hands and, where necessary, for washing food as well as for washing containers and utensils.

The space for cleaning equipment has been removed or is used for some other purpose and/or cleaning equipment is stored elsewhere in the food premises in a manner that impairs food safety.

The inadequacy and/or the unsuitability of other facilities and cleaning equipment result in impaired food safety.

Non-classified means of transport are used as the means of transport for international carriage of frozen foodstuffs and other carriage of perishable foodstuffs covered by the ATP Agreement.

The quality of potable water does not fulfil the requirements or recommendations of Decrees 1352/2015 or 401/2001 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and food safety is impaired through the use of the water.

Poor: There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.

The arrangement of the facilities of the food premises, the structures and/or the surface materials contain solutions and defects which jeopardise food safety.

The inadequacy of the facilities or equipment of the food premises and/or the unsuitability of the facilities for use as food premises jeopardise food safety.

For example, the quality of potable water does not fulfil the microbiological quality requirements of Decrees 1352/2015 or 401/2001 of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the quality of the food may therefore cause a health hazard. The requests of the health protection authority or the food control authority for corrective action within a set deadline have not been complied with and food safety is jeopardised through the use of the water.

Legislation and guidelines (with any amendments) pertaining to the subject:

  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs, 852/2004/EC, Article 4, Annex II, Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter V, Chapter VII
  • Finnish Food Act 297/2006 6 §
  • Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on food hygiene 318/2021 25 §
  • Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Relating to the Quality and Monitoring of Water Intended for Human Consumption, 1352/2015, and Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on Quality Requirements for Household Water Supplied by Small Plants and Control Testing, 401/2001
  • Finnish Food Authority’s Guide on Food Hygiene in Registered Food Premises 980/
  • Finnish Food Authority's Guide on Control of Water and Ice in Food Premises 8014/

Updates in version 7:

  • Hygiene related to water steam and its use as well as the source of water intended for human use have been added to the Matters to be controlled.
  • Hygiene related to ice has been removed from this topic, since it is monitored in topic 5.4.

2.2 Maintenance of Facilities and Structures

Guide/version: 2215/, valid from 2.1.2024

To be taken into consideration:

  • This Guideline is applied to all food premises.
  • The maintenance of facilities and structures refers to the functionality, integrity and maintenance of e.g. ceiling, floor and wall surfaces and structures, and the ventilation system. For example, cleaning of ventilation ducts, maintenance of floor drain traps, finishing of various pipe penetrations and appropriateness of directions of air flow.
  • The maintenance of fixtures, equipment, water equipment and utensils is evaluated in point 2.3.
  • The cleanliness and order of facilities and structures is evaluated in point 3.1.
  • The cleanliness of the outer surfaces, stop ends or protective enclosures/grilles of ventilation pipes is evaluated in connection with the cleanliness of structures in point 3.1.
  • The cleanliness of surfaces, fixtures, equipment and utensils in point 3.2.
  • The forming of condensation water is evaluated in point 5.4 when it occurs during the chilling of foodstuffs and in point 5.6 when it occurs during the storage and warehousing of foodstuffs.

Matters to be controlled:

  • The condition of the premises (the area where food is received, handled, the sales and storage areas), the structures and the surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings, workbenches) in the food premises.
  • Functionality and maintenance of the ventilation system, lighting and drainage systems. The direction of the air flow can be checked with trace smoke, e.g. a smoke bottle or pen.
  • The general condition of changing facilities, toilets, facilities for waste management, and loading docks, if they lie within the responsibility of the food premises. The aforementioned facilities may be located separate from the food premises; for example in shopping centres, the changing facilities may be located separate from the facilities of the food premises.
  • In the registered food premises the bottle return areas, if they are located in the facilities in the food premises.
  • The adequacy and suitability of own-check activities and, were appropriate, the plan are controlled by applying the Annex to Guideline 1.6: "Adequacy and Suitability of Own-check Activities".

Excellent: Operations are in line with the requirements.Operations comply with requirements.

The facilities and structures (floors, walls, ceilings, windows, doors) of the food premises are in good condition and function appropriately and can be appropriately cleaned. The ventilation, lighting and drainage system work and are adequate and maintenance has been taken care of.

The operator identifies areas in need of improvement in its own own-check activities, prepares an appropriate repair plan and executes repairs timely. Where necessary, the operator introduces adequate special arrangements for the execution of the repair plan.

Good: There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.

There are some minor shortcomings in the maintenance or functionality of facilities, structures, the ventilation system, lightning or drainage system, but food safety is not impaired.

For example:

  • There is visible corrosion, peeling, or wear in staff facilities and other facilities where no unprotected foodstuffs are handled.
  • There is considerable wear in facilities where unprotected foodstuffs are handled, but food safety is not impaired, however.

The facilities are in need of maintenance, but the operator has drawn up an appropriate repair plan and carries out repairs in a timely manner. There are some minor shortcomings in the special arrangements introduced for the execution of the repair plan.

To be corrected: There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.

The maintenance of facilities, structures, the ventilation system, lightning or drainage system has been deficient.

The food premises does not have an appropriate and sufficient repair plan, the timetable for the repair plan has only partially been met, the repair plan is not followed, or emergency arrangements for the time when the repair plan is carried out have not been adequate.

For example:

  • There is visible corrosion, peeling, mould or considerable wear in facilities where unprotected foodstuffs are handled.
  • There is corrosion on the walls of a cold store where unprotected foodstuffs are stored, or mould on silicon seals or broken door seals in an unprotected foodstuffs area.
  • Inoperability of ventilation results in heavy formation of condensation water on structures.
  • Incorrectly adjusted ventilation produces wrong pressure relations causing air to flow from contaminated areas to clean areas (e.g. from a waste room to production facilities).

Poor: There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.

The maintenance of facilities or structures has been neglected. No repair plan has been drawn up at the food premises or the food premises repeatedly fails to follow the repair plan.

For example:

  • In facilities where unprotected foodstuffs are handled, peeling paint or plaster can fall onto unprotected foodstuffs.
  • Due to the inoperability of ventilation, condensation water is formed on the structures in production facilities and may then run onto unprotected foodstuffs.
  • The structures of the production facilities are not tight, allowing pests and vermin to gain access into the production facilities.
  • There is mould on ceiling structures or wall surfaces in an unprotected foodstuffs area.

Legislation and guidelines (with any amendments) pertaining to the subject:

  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs, 852/2004/EC, Article 4, Annex II, Chapter I - III
  • Finnish Food Act 297/2021
  • Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on food hygiene 318/2021
  • Finnish Food Authority’s Guide 980/ on Food Hygiene in Registered Food Premises.

Updates in version 6:

  • The guideline will be applied to both registered and approved food premises.
  • Combined Oiva assessment guideline 2.2 for registered and approved food premises.
  • Changes were made to the list of areas covered by the inspection.
  • Evaluation examples were modified.

2.3 Maintenance of Fixtures, Equipment, Water Equipment and Working Utensils

Guide/version: 2216/, valid from 2.1.2024

To be taken into consideration:

  • This Guideline is applied to all food premises.
  • Water equipment refers primarily to water equipment directly related to the manufacture of foodstuffs, such as water tanks, water pipes, tap filters, ice machines, water chilling equipment and disinfection equipment that uses water.
  • Maintenance refers to the equipment functioning as planned, their functioning is controlled on a regular basis, maintenance is carried out timely and the condition (also the condition of their surfaces, i.e., easiness of cleaning) and calibration of the equipment are looked after.
  • This point also covers the evaluation of the fulfilment of standardisation requirements regarding the measuring equipment and temperature-recording systems used in the storage of quick-frozen products according to Commission Regulation 37/2005, and the functionality of measuring equipment used for the temperature management of frozen foodstuffs. These requirements of the Commission Regulation 37/2005 do not apply to the temperature control of frozen food used as raw materials.
  • The requirements laid down in Commission Regulation 37/2005 on temperature-recording equipment apply to carriage of quick-frozen products (excluding local distribution of less than 2 h in duration or distribution directly to the customer), to cold store facilities prior to delivery to retail outlets, or cold store facilities in retail outlets where quick-frozen foodstuffs are marketed to consumers and the volume of the cold store facilities is at least 10 m3. The requirements do not apply to retail cold storage, if the air temperature of storage can be measured by an easily legible thermometer, to the temperature control of retail cabinets or frozen food used as raw materials.
  • The maintenance of the facilities and structures of the food premise is evaluated in point 2.2.
  • The cleanliness and order of facilities and structures is evaluated in point 3.1.
  • The cleanliness of surfaces, fixtures, equipment and utensils in point 3.2.
  • The calibration of equipment used for monitoring of temperature in the carriage of foodstuffs is evaluated in point 15.4.

Matters to be controlled:

  • The functionality and maintenance of fixtures, equipment and working utensils
  • Surfaces and components of fixtures, equipment and working utensils
  • The functionality and maintenance of water equipment and tools
  • The maintenance and, if appropriate, calibration of thermometers
  • The adequacy and suitability of own-check activities and, where appropriate, the plan are controlled by applying the Annex to Guideline 1.6: "Adequacy and Suitability of Own-check Activities".

Excellent: Operations are in line with the requirements.Operations comply with requirements.

The maintenance of fixtures, equipment, water equipment and working utensils is looked after. They function as planned, they can be appropriately cleaned, their functioning is controlled on a regular basis and maintenance is carried out timely.

The operator identifies areas in need of improvement in its own own-check activities, prepares an appropriate repair plan and executes repairs timely. Where necessary, the operator introduces adequate special arrangements for the execution of the repair plan.

Good: There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.There are small issues with the operations which do not impair food safety or mislead consumers.

There are some minor shortcomings in the maintenance of fixtures, equipment, water equipment and working utensils.  

For example:

  • There is wear on the frames (not on surfaces in contact with foodstuffs) of fixtures or equipment causing difficulties in cleaning in facilities where unprotected foodstuffs are handled.
  • Fixtures, equipment, or utensils are extremely worn in facilities where unprotected foodstuffs are not handled, or in staff facilities.

The facilities are in need of maintenance, but the operator has drawn up an appropriate repair plan and carries out repairs in a timely manner. There are some minor shortcomings in the special arrangements introduced for the execution of the repair plan.

To be corrected: There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.There are issues with the operations which impair food safety or mislead consumers. These issues must be rectified within a set period of time.

The maintenance of fixtures, equipments, water equipments or woking utensils has been deficient.

The food premises does not have an appropriate and sufficient repair plan, the timetable for the repair plan has only partially been met, the repair plan is not followed, or emergency arrangements for the time when the repair plan is carried out have not been adequate.

Fixtures, equipment, water equipment and working utensils which are used to handle and/or come into direct contact with unprotected food have shortcomings in condition.

For example:

  • A conveyor belt that comes into contact with unprotected foodstuffs is frayed to the extent that it is difficult to keep clean.
  • Work counters are worn to the extent that they are difficult to keep clean.
  • The condition or age of tap filters or water hoses impairs food safety.

Poor: There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.There are issues with the operations which jeopardise food safety or considerably mislead consumers, or the operator has failed to comply with orders that have been issued. These issues must be rectified with immediate effect.

The maintenance of fixtures, equipment, water equipment or working utensils has been neglected. No repair plan has been drawn up at the food premises or the food premises repeatedly fails to follow the repair plan.

For example:

  • A conveyor belt that comes into contact with unprotected foodstuffs is extremely frayed and its surface is worn to the extent that it cannot be cleaned anymore.
  • The circulating flushing system used to wash piping does not function appropriately.
  • A water cooling basin or equipment is badly corroded.
  • The maintenance/calibration of a thermometer or an automatic temperature monitoring system has been neglected.

Legislation and guidelines (with any amendments) pertaining to the subject:

  • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs, 852/2004/EC, Article 4, Annex II, Chapter II, Chapter V
  • Finnish Food Act 297/2021
  • Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry on food hygiene 318/2021
  • Commission Regulation 37/2005/EC on the monitoring of temperatures in the means of transport, warehousing and storage of quick-frozen foodstuffs intended for human consumption
  • Evira's Guide 16049 on quick-freezing and freezing of foodstuffs in food establishments
  • Finnish Food Authority’s Guide 980/ on Food Hygiene in Registered Food Premises.

Updates in version 11:

  • The guideline will be applied to both registered and approved food premises.
  • Combined Oiva assessment guideline 2.3 for registered and approved food premises.
  • Changes were made to the list of areas covered by the inspection.
  • Evaluation examples were modified.