Enhanced Communication in Risk Analysis (ENCOMRAN)

An EFSA-funded international research project with the main objective of improving communication between risk assessors and decision makers. Communication practices and challenges in different European countries are mapped through a survey that was piloted in the earlier Risk Communication Project (COMRISK) for Finland, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. The project also produces an appropriate risk communication guidance for European countries, describing key communication phases, common pitfalls and best practices.

The project results will help develop risk communication capabilities at EU level and create common European guidelines for more transparent risk communication and a more effective risk analysis process.

The project is carried out by the Finnish Food Authority's Risk Assessment Unit, the Swedish State Veterinary Institute (SVA), the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) and the Netherlands Wageningen University (Wageningen University & Research (WU).

More information

Pirkko Tuominen, pirkko.tuominen@foodauthority.fi

Page last updated 10/8/2021