Portion and package sizes

The fact that food portions and packages have become larger is one of the main reasons for excessive energy intake. Larger the portion, the more likely are you to eat more. There is strong research evidence that reducing the portions and food energy density will also cause both children and adults to receive less energy in a single intake.The fact that food portions and packages have become larger is one of the main reasons for excessive energy intake. Larger the portion, the more likely are you to eat more. There is strong research evidence that reducing the portions and food energy density will also cause both children and adults to receive less energy in a single intake.


Selecting reasonably sized portions suitable for the situation will be made easy for consumers.

We are encouraging operators to offer smaller portions and packages and, in particular, reduce the largest portions of products containing large amounts of sugar, fats and salt.


 In their marketing communications, operators will offer and present package and portion sizes that help consumers to achieve the nutrition recommendations.

We will help consumers to avoid excessive energy intake by:

  • offering smaller packages/portions, especially in energy-dense (> 150 kcal/100 g) main meals and in the" random foods" (foods that should be eaten only sometimes and in small amounts) on the upper shelf of the National Nutrition Council's food triangle.
  • compiling lunches in accordance with the Finnish food plate model.
  • developing products that have a lower energy density (kcal/100 g) that existing products in the same product group (for example, > 150 kcal/100 g --> -10% --> < 135 kcal/100 g).

Examples of commitments

Example 1: By the year 2019, the portion sizes of our products appearing in marketing and communications material and channels will be shown so that they are suited for the intended eating occasion and the targeted consumer group.

Example 2: We will reduce the portion sizes of our large pizzas by 20 per cent by the year 2020.

Example 3: We will reduce the portions of (energy-containing) beverages included in meals by 20 per cent by the year 2020.

Example 4: In 2019, our ten top-selling products will also be available in packages that are 50 per cent smaller than in 2015.

Example 5: We will introduce smaller plates for main courses in our lunch restaurants in 2018.

Example 6: By the year 2019, all our ready lunch portions will be compiled in accordance with the Finnish food plate model.

Example 7: We will reduce the energy density of our best-selling and the most energy-dense products of a (specific) product group by 15 per cent by the year 2019.



Page last updated 3/27/2019