Research seminar, 9 April 2019: Research, epidemiology and prevention methods of the salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris

April 4/2019

Research Professor, Senior Researcher Perttu Koski from the Finnish Food Authority’s Oulu laboratory talks about the research concerning the salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris. This research has been used as the basis for the prevention of the parasite in Finland. The research has been conducted in collaboration with Natural Resources Institute Finland and the University of Oulu. 

The presentation describes the research focusing on the epidemiology and prevention of the parasite, which has been conducted in connection with regulatory supervision – often enabled by external funding.

The research seminar will take place in auditorium C111 at Mustialankatu 3 in Viikki, Helsinki
on Tuesday 9 April 2019 from 3 to 4 p.m.
The seminar is in Finnish.

The seminar is open to everyone and no advance registration is required.


Further information:
Research Professor Perttu Koski
+358 40 569 4541