Safe use of foodstuffs

Certain hazards related to foods may have adverse effects on human health:

  • The composition of the food can be detrimental to human health
  • Food may carry microbes or micro-organisms
  • Food may contain inherently detrimental substances
  • Food may carry various environmental contaminants
  • Food may contain foreign objects (for example glass)

This site addresses various food hazards as well as restrictions on the use of certain foods.

Hazards related to foods can be avoided:

- by following the labelling in respect of

  • storage instructions
  • handling instructions
  • recommendations for use

- by refraining from abundant consumption of foods for which restrictions for use have been issued

- by eating a balanced, varied and moderate diet: These health-promoting diet principles are also the best way to avoid the effects of any harmful substances contained in food

- by ensuring good hygiene in the kitchen and when handling foods as well as well as by complying with instructions on food preparation and storage instructions. These measures reduce the risk of food poisoning.

The table below summarises the foods that are currently known to involve potential risks associated with their use.

Please note that children have been divided into the following age groups: infants (under 12 months), small children, children and young people, schoolchildren.

How and why instructions for safe use are drawn up for sensitive consumer groups (pregnant and breastfeeding mothers).  

General instructions on safe use of foodstuffs (pdf)
Safe use of fish is currently being updated.


Page last updated 9/16/2024