Import of animal by-products for research -, trade - and display purposes

Imports from countries outside of the EU

Research samples and diagnostic samples of animal origin are by-products and derived products intended for research as part of diagnostic activities or assay in order to promote scientific and technological progress as part of educational or research activities.

Trade samples of animal origin are by-products or derived products intended for certain studies or assays with the intention of performing a production process, processing animal by-products or derived products, developing feedingstuffs, pet food or derived products, or test machinery or equipment.

Display items of animal origin are by-products and derived products intended for use in exhibitions or artistic activities Import or transit through Finland of research samples, diagnostic samples, trade samples and display items is permitted only by import authorisation issued by the Finnish Food Authority. The import permit sets the necessary import conditions.

Apply for an import permit from the Finnish Food Authority. Processing an import permit takes 1 to 4 weeks.

Import authorisation may be issued in Finnish, Swedish or English. You can fill out the application in the language in which you want permission to be granted.

We recommend applying for an English import permit, in order to avoid possible delays due to language barrier with airlines, consignors and foreign authorities in case of possible transit of the consignment.

Please click here for the import permit application (Webropol) 


Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Commission regulation (EU) No 142/2011

Page last updated 5/9/2023