Organic tin compounds in the Baltic Sea fish and Finnish fresh water fish


The main goal of the project is to gain more information about the concentrations of OT compounds in Finland in both fresh and salt water, most important fish species that the Finnish people mainly consume. The intention is to measure the organic tin concentrations in fish both in Finnish background areas and suspected polluted areas, as harbours and industrial areas. The objectives is to study potential differences in the organotin accumulation pattern, interspecific differencies, levels in different fish from the same areas and age- and size-related intraspecific differencies. It is also meaning to show in gradient studies the gradual change in the organic tin concentrations in fish, when moving from contaminated sites to open sea. In this way it’s possible to get an extensive general view of the extent of the OT problem in fish in Finland, and this information is useful for the authorities responsible for food and fisheries and environment both for national and EU level decision making. The final goal is to estimate dietary intake of organic tin compounds and re-evaluate dietary advice on fish consumption from 2004.


harbours, industrial areas, pollution, polluted areas, intake, fish

Responsible project leader:

Hallikainen, Anja, Research Professor, Evira, Risk Assessment Research Unit

Person at Evira responsible for the project:

Hallikainen, Anja, Research Professor, Risk Assessment Research Unit

In cooperation with:

THL National Institute for Health and Welfare (analysis);
RKTL Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (sampling);
Finnish Environment Institute (co-operation concerning sediments from the same sampling areas of fish)

Project is financed by:


Project status:


Latest information bulletin 10.09.2008, report is in progress, imported marine products will be studied, more water and sediment samples taken.

Year of commencement:


Year of completion:



P. Rantakokko, R. Airaksinen, A. Hallikainen, P. Vuorinen, A. Lappalanen, J. Mannio, T. Vartiainen: Perch (perca fluviatilis) as an indicator of organotin contamination in the Finnish inland waters and Finnish coast of the Baltic sea, Science of the Total Environment 408 (2010) 2474–2481

R. Airaksinen, P. Rantakokko, A. W. Turunen, T. Vartiainen, P. Vuorinen, A. Lappalainen, A. Vihervuori, J. Mannio, A. Hallikainen: Organotin intake through fish consumption in Finland, accepted to Environmental Research (2010)

R. Airaksinen, P. Rantakokko, A. Turunen, T. Vartiainen, P. Vuorinen, A. Lappalainen, A. Vihervuori, J. Mannio, A. Hallikainen: Organotin intake through fish consumption in Finland, Dioxin 2010

P. Ruokojärvi, A. Hallikainen, R. Airaksinen, PJ. Vuorinen, H. Kiviranta: Persistent organic pollutants in sea trout caught from Finnish rivers emtying into Baltic sea, Dioxin 2009

Ruokojärvi, P., Hallikainen, A., Airaksinen, R., Vuorinen, P.J., Kiviranta, H.
Persistent Organic Pollutants in Sea Trout caught from Finnish Rivers emptying into the Baltic Sea.

Kaisu Mankinen: Itämeren kalasta ja järvi- sekä tuontikalasta Suomessa 2000-luvulla mitatut organotinapitoisuudet ja niiden saantilaskelmat, Helsingin yliopisto, ympäristöekologian laitos, 17.3.2009.

Evira's project code:


Page last updated 10/7/2018