Risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis of salmonella in feed and animal production


The project assesses the exposure of animals to salmonella arising from Finnish feeds by modelling data collected through national salmonella control. The main focus of the assessment is on mixed and concentrate feeds for production animals and feedstocks used by mobile feed mixing services and in home-mixed feed.


The objective of the project is to study:

  • The impact of feed control on the salmonella risk in Finland.
  • The costs and benefits due to the salmonella control of Finnish feeds.


Data collection for risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis is ongoing.


risk assessment, cost-benefit analysis, salmonella, salmonella control, production animal, feed

Responsible project leader:

Tuominen, Pirkko, Senior Researcher, Evira, Risk Assessment Research Unit

Person at Evira responsible for the project:

Tuominen, Pirkko, Senior Researcher, Risk Assessment Research Unit

In cooperation with:

Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke

Project status:


Year of commencement:


Year of completion:


Project is financed by:

Makera 1875/312/2012

Evira’s  project code:


Page last updated 10/7/2018