Endophyte toxins in animal feed


The purpose of the project is to develop chemical and toxicological methods for the determination of toxins formed by endophyte contaminations in the feed of domestic and game animals. The contribution of ergopeptide alkaloides and the derivative alkaloids of indole-isoprene (lolines) to toxicoses transmitted via feed is investigated in the project.


endophyte fungi, mass spectrometry, toxicosis

Responsible project leader:

Peltonen, Kimmo, Professor,  Chemistry and Toxicology Research Unit

Person at Evira responsible for the project:

Peltonen, Kimmo, Professor, Chemistry and Toxicology Research Unit

Contact persons at Evira:

Peltonen, Kimmo, Professor, Chemistry and Toxicology Research Unit;
Jestoi, Marika, Senior Researcher, Chemistry and Toxicology Research Unit

In cooperation with:

University of Oulu, Department of Biology;
(National Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway)

Project status:


Year of commencement:


Year of completion:


Page last updated 10/7/2018