Epidemiology and identification of scrapie cases and genotyping of prion protein gene of sheep and goat in Finland


The goal of the project is to study the scrapie strains found in sheep and goat in Finland, scrapie epidemiology and the prion protein genotype of sheep and goats. The study has been part of the EU Neuroprion Network project.


Scrapie strains have been characterised and methods developed for the differential diagnostics of scrapie strains and genotyping. Prion protein genotyping results from certain amount of sheep are produced yearly.


scrapie, epidemiology, diagnostics, genotyping

Responsible project leader:

Sihvonen, Liisa, Research Director, Evira and Professor in Veterinary Virology, University of Helsinki, Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences

Person at Evira responsible for the project:

Hautaniemi, Maria, Researcher, Veterinary Virology Research Unit;
Tapiovaara, Hannele, Senior Researcher, Veterinary Virology Research Unit

In cooperation with:

EU reference laboratories

Project status:


Year of commencement:


Year of completion:



Hautaniemi, M., Tapiovaara, H., Korpenfelt, S.-L., Sihvonen L.
Genotyping and surveillance for scrapie in Finnish sheep.
BMC Veterinary Research 2012: Vol. 8, No. 122.
Open access.
Fediaevsky, A., Maurella, C., Nöremark, M., Ingravalle, F., Thorgeirsdottir, S., Orge, L., Poizar, R., Hautaniemi, M., Liam, B., Calavas, D., Ru, G., Hopp, P.
The prevalence of atypical scrapie in sheep from positive flocks is not higher than in the general sheep population in 11 European countries.
BMC Veterinary research 2010, 6:9. Open access.
Kaartinen, L., Tapiovaara, H., Hautaniemi, M., Korpenfelt, S.-L., Sihvonen, L. Scrapie in sheep and goat in Finland. XXVI World Buiatrics Congress (14.-18.11. 2010 : Santiago, Chile). Poster and abstract. Proceeding - XXVI World Buiatrics Congress 2010, p. 165.
Tapiovaara, H., Hautaniemi, M., Kaartinen, L., Sihvonen, L. Scrapie in Finnish Goats. NeuroPrion 2010 Congress (8.-11.9.2010 ; Salzburg, Austria). Abstract and Poster.
Hautaniemi, M., Tapiovaara, H., Korpenfelt, S.L., Sihvonen, L.
Genotyping and survey of scrapie in Finnish sheep.
Prion2009 (23.9.-25.9.2009 : Chalkidiki, Greece).
Poster and abstract.
Sihvonen, L. :Klassinen ja epätyypillinen scrapie. Ajankohtaista tarttuvista taudeista- teemapäivä 10.5.2007. 2 ss.
Tapiovaara H: Scrapie in Finnish goats. Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for TSE:s, Weybridge, England, 23.6.-24.6.2005.
Tikkanen M.:Virologipäivät olivat 10.-11.3.05 Haikossa ja Biarritzissa olimme 6.-7.5.2005. Virologipäivillä puheen aihe oli "Recent isolates of parapoxvirus of Finnish reindeer are closely related to bovine pseudocowpoxvirus" Virologipäivät 10-11.3.2005 Haikko (Esitelmä ja lyhennelmä).
Tikkanen M.: "PrP gene polymorphisms in scrapie-affected and healthy Finnish goats". SR-TSE meeting, Biarritz 6-7.5.2005. (Esitelmä ja lyhennelmä esityksestä)
Sihvonen, L.: Scrapie in Finland. SR-TSE Network Meeting. Application of risk analysis to small ruminant TSE. 30.9-2.10.2004 Bern, Sveitsi.
Tikkanen M., Sihvonen L, Tapiovaara H.: EELAn virologian tutkimusyksikön prioniryhmä tutkii lampaiden geneettistä alttiutta scrapielle. Lammas ja vuohi, 2003, 4, 30-31.

Project is financed by:


Evira's project code:

8402, 8404

Page last updated 10/7/2018