Survival in Finnish nature of alien species used in insect farming


The purpose of this project is to provide information for insect farmers and supervisory authorities on the requirements for the processing of by-products from insect farming, used as fertilisers. The project studies the survival of the eggs and viable individuals of house cricket (Acheta domesticus) and black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) in by-products gained after harvesting at the end of farming. In addition, the project will study the survival in nature of the various developmental stages of alien species ending up in by-products. 


The results will provide new information on the risk of alien species spreading due to insect by-products being used as fertilisers, and the measures required to prevent the spreading of alien species.


insects, pests, fertilisers, fertiliser products, circular economy

Responsible project leader:

Merja Torniainen, Senior Officer, Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, safety and quality of fertiliser products

Person at Evira responsible for the project:

Merja Torniainen, Senior Officer, Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, safety and quality of fertiliser products

Project status:

Literature search, insect farm visits, analysis of samples

Year of commencement:


Year of completion:


Evira project code:



Page last updated 2/25/2019