Contact information

Office of the Food Market Ombudsman
Postal address: P.O. BOX 200, FI00027 FINNISH FOOD AUTHORITY

E-mail: etmv(et)
Personal e-mails: firstname.lastname(at)
Media contacts: etmv(at)
Telephone number: 029 520 5533

Please note! The feedback form is not secure. To send confidential data or sensitive information, contact the office before sending the data. We will provide information on sending secure mail when you contact us.

Personnel at the Office of the Food Market Ombudsman

The Food Market Ombudsman Olli Wikberg

Management Assistant Katja Tuominiemi

Lawyer Ismo Tuominen

Senior Specialist Tapani Yrjölä  

Specialist Emmi Silvo

Communications Specialist Mira Koponen

Social media
