Some of the countries outside the EU require that organic products are accompanied by an organic export certificate. You may need for example a general Transaction Certificate of Organic Production for Export or an organic certificate for the country in question (for example the NOP import certificate of the USA, the NAQS import certificate of South Korea).
The Food Authority issues organic export certificates by operator, lot and country. The export certificates are subject to a fee. On the internal market your organic certificate can be the documentary evidence granted to your business.
Ordering an export certificate
Order an export certificate by sending
- an order form in English
- documentation on the traceability of the lot to be exported
by e-mail to the address
Always order well ahead of the export. It takes about two weeks to issue an export certificate after you have sent us all the documentation.
Add the documentation on the traceability of the lot to your order:
- Notes, accompanying documents and purchase invoices on raw materials received and in storage, which relate to the export certificate.
- A copy of the supplier’s current organic certificate
- A manufacturing/production report on the lot to be exported
- Sales invoice, transport and accompanying documents for the lot