
Birds traveling as a pet with their owner must meet the following conditions:


The maximum total number of pet birds allowed is 5


Authorized countries of origin: The country of origin must belong to one of the following OIE regional commissions


You can find links to the lists by clicking on the name of the commission



Asia, Far East and Oceania


Middle East

The health requirements are listed below. Birds must meet one of the listed requirements. NOTE! Please check the safeguard measures.




the birds have been isolated for 30 days prior to export at the place of origin situated in one of the countries listed in the following links (lists are originally for ungulates and fresh meat).


Annex I, Section 1


Annex II, Part 1




The birds shall be quarantined in the Member State of destination for 30 days after importation in premises approved by the Commission. NOTE! There are no such quarantine facilities in Finland, so this option cannot be used for the movement of pet birds directly to Finland.




The birds have been vaccinated against avian influenza subtypes H5 and H7 during the last six months and at least 60 days before dispatch from the third country and the vaccination has been renewed at least once; the vaccine (s) used must be approved for the species in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions




The birds have been kept isolated for at least 10 days prior to export and have been subjected to the Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals for H5 and H7 Avian Influenza Antibody or Genome, as amended by the OIE. a regularly updated test in accordance with the section on avian influenza using a sample taken no earlier than the third day of isolation




Birds shall be transported to a household or other place of residence in the Union and shall not be taken to shows, markets, shows or other events bringing together birds within 30 days of importation into the Union, except for transport to an approved quarantine facility referred to before.


Health certificate

The pet bird must have upon entry to EU a health certificate issued by the competent authority of the country of origin. THE HEALTH CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED ONLY BY THE OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN. Health certificates may not be issued by private veterinarians. A model health certificate can be found at the link below.

Model Health Certificate and owner's declaration

A declaration issued by the owner of the birds or his representative must be attached to the health certificate.

Approved points of entry

Approved entry points for pet birds: Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and Vaalimaa Road. Pet birds are inspected at the border crossing point by Customs. Take the red line and present the bird and health certificate to Customs. The transport of pet birds through other border crossing points is prohibited

Note! Be sure to also check for any restrictions on CITES and alien species!

In addition, the import of endangered and endangered animal species is regulated in 44 § and 45 § of the Nature Conservation Act (1096/1996).

In addition, 42 § of the Hunting Act (615/1993) provides for the import or release of game bird populations of foreign origin.

Page last updated 8/16/2021