Anthoni, M.
Undeclared allergens in food.
Frontiers in Food Allergy and Allergen Risk Assessment and Management, 18. - 20.4.2018 Madrid, Spain.
Biström, M., Raunio-Saarnisto, M., Laine, T., Nykäsenoja, S., Olkkola, S.
Antimicrobial susceptibility of Finnish enterotoxigenic E. coli in pigs in years 2013 - 2016.
ESPHM2018, 9.-11.5.2018 Barcelona, Spain.
Corriveau, A.E., Hennessy, T.W., Cox, S., Oksanen, A.
International Circumpolar Partnerships in One Health: the Role of the Arctic Council.
5th International One Health Congress, 22. - 25.6.2018, Saskatoon, Canada.
Abstract book.
Haapalainen, M., Wang, J., Latvala, S., Lehtonen, M.T., Pirhonen, M., Nissinen, A.
Maataloustieteiden Päivät, 10. - 11.1.2018 Helsinki.
Hirvelä-Koski, V., Heikkinen, P., Isomursu, M.
Validation of real-time PCR assay for the detection of Echinococcus canadensis in wolf (Canis lupus).
5th Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (EAVLD), 14. - 17.10. 2018 Brussels, Belgium.
Holopainen, R., Kantala, T., Gadd, T.
First isolation of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in Finland.
Virology Days 2018, 8. - 9.3.2018, Tuusula.
Virology Days 2018 abstract book, s. 38.
Isomursu,M., Neimanis, A., Karkamo, V., Holopainen, R., Nokireki, T., Gadd, T.
First Outbreak of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) in Rabbits in Finland.
Annual Symposium of European Society for Veterinary Pathology, 30.8. - 2.9.2017 Lyon, France.
Abstract, poster.
Journal of Comparative Pathology abstracts 2018: 3.
Kantala, T., Gadd, T.
First isolation of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in Finland.
11. International Congress for Veterinary Virology, 12. Annual Meeting of EPIZONE, 27. - 30.8.2018, Vienna, Austria.
Poster, abstract book.
Kantala, T., Gadd, T.
First isolation of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) in Finland.
Eläinlääkäripäivät 2018, 28. - 30.11.2018 Helsinki.
Abstrakti, posteri.
Luentokokoelma 2018, s. 273.
Karkamo, V., Ngyen, S., Hagner, K.,Knuuttila, A., Jauhiainen, M., Kairento, H., Airas, N.
Atherosclerosis in Korat cats.
Nordic Society of Veterinary Pathology & American College of Veterinary Pathology, Uppsala, Sweden 6/2018, Washington DC, USA, 11/2018.
Koivisto, P., Kolmonen, M., Peltola, P.
Zearalenone (mycotoxin) metabolism in urine of farmed pigs and cattle.
Eurotox 2018: 9, pp. 2 - 5.
Toxicology Letters, Abstracts, p. 77.
Korpenfelt, S.-L., Isomursu, M., Rikula, U., Oksanen, A., Gadd, T.
First case of TSE in moose in Finland.
11. International Congress for Veterinary Virology (ESVV), 12. Annual Meeting of EPIZONE, 27. - 30.8.2018, Vienna, Austria.
Abstract + poster.
ESVV Book of abstracts, p. 43.
Kuronen, H., Pohjanvirta, T., Kyyhkynen, A., Pelkonen, S.
Wild birds and animals as a reservoir for Salmonella Typhimurium in the Finnish cattle.
I3S Salmonella Symposium, 24.-26.9.2018, St Malo, France.
Abstract book, p. 51.
Lyytikäinen, T., Niemi, J.
Sikatalouden rakennemuutoksen vaikutus eläinkontaktiverkostoon ja tautien leviämispotentiaaliin.
Maataloustieteen päivät 2018, 10. - 11.1.2018 Helsinki.
Suomen maataloustieteellisen seuran tiedote 34, s. 240.
Lyytikäinen, T., Niemi, J.
Differentiated development of contact network – is the spread potential of the future deviated among pig and cattle production sectors in Finland?
International symposium of veterinary epidemiology and economics, 13. - 17.11. 2018 Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Abstract, poster.
Abstract book, p. 524
Lyytikäinen, T., Rikula, U., Nuotio, L.
Animal disease surveillance system: can it be optimized with contact rate?
International symposium of veterinary epidemiology and economics, 13. - 17.11. 2018 Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Abstract, poster.
Abstract book, p. 582
Lyytikäinen, T., Rikula, U., Nuotio, L.
Surveillance system of contagious animal diseases of cattle in Finland – effects of inclusion by farm size and low renewal rate in 2014 - 2015.
International symposium of veterinary epidemiology and economics, 13. - 17.11. 2018 Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Abstract, poster.
Abstract book, p. 583
Mikkelä, A., Ranta, J., Pasonen, P., Suomi, J., Hirvonen, T., Suominen, K., Tuominen, P.
Bayesian estimation of the total intake of chemical contaminants from multiple food products.
XXIXth International Biometric Conference, 9-13.7.2018, Barcelona, Spain.
Abstract book.
Nokireki, T., Tammiranta, N., Kokkonen, U.-M., Kantala, T., Gadd, T.
Bat lyssaviruses in Finland.
11. International Congress for Veterinary Virology 12. Annual Meeting of EPIZONE, 27. – 30.8.2018, Vienna, Austria.
Poster, abstract book.
Nokireki, T., Tammiranta, N., Kokkonen, U.-M., Kantala, T., Gadd, T., Freuling, C.M., Müller. T., Eggerbauer, E., Höper, D., Zaeck, L., Potratz, M., Finke, S.
Novel bat lyssavirus detected in a Brandt’s bat in Finland.
10th Workshop for Rabies, 13. - 14.6.2018 Brussels, Belgium.
Abstract book.
Nokireki, T., Tammiranta, N., Kokkonen, U.-M., Kantala, T., Gadd, T.
Novel bat lyssavirus detected in a Brandt’s bat.
Virology Days 2018, 8.‐ 9.3.2018 Tuusula.
Virology Days 2018 abstract book, p. 39.
Pastell, H., Rita, H.
Similarity of manual and semi-automated filtration in dietary fibre analysis.
Dietary Fibre Conference 2018 4. - 6.6.2018, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Abstract + poster.
Book of Abstracts, p. 177.
Pietilä, L.
ECOM Science & Technology Working Group Report.
ISTA Annual Meeting 2018, 11. - 14.06.2018 Sapporo, Japan.
ISTA Online Presentations OGM.
Raatikainen, M., Koivisto, P., Hartonen, M., Nummela, M., Loivamaa, I., Nykäsenoja, S., Cheung, S., Tuominen, P., Suomi, J., Luostarinen, S., Ervasti, S., Lindauer, P., Grönroos, J., Myllyniemi, A.-L.
Antimicrobial resistance and residues on dairy cattle.
8th International Symposium on Hormone and Veterinary Drug Residue Analysis, 22.-25.5.2018 Ghent, Belgium.
Abstract + poster.
Abstract book, p. 137.
Ribeiro-Gonçalves, B-, Machado, M.P., Silva, M., Halkilahti, J., Jaakkonen, A., Palma, F., Ramirez, M., Rossi, M., Carriço, J.A.
The INNUENDO Platform: a user-friendly platform for the integration of High-Throughput Sequencing in bacterial foodborne pathogen surveillance.
28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 21. - 24.4.2018 Madrid, Spain.
Abstract, poster.
Ribeiro-Gonçalves, B., Silva, D., Machado, M.P., Silva, M., Halkilahti, J., Jaakkonen, A., Ramirez, M., Rossi, M., Carriço, J.A.
Implementing High-Throughput Sequencing in bacterial foodborne pathogen surveillance: The INNUENDO Platform.
Bioinformatics Open Days, 15. - 16.3.2018 Braga, Portugal.
Abstract, poster.
Santala, J., Valkonen, J.
Sensitivity of small RNA -based detection of plant viruses.
COST-DIVAS (FA 1407) Final meeting, 26.11. - 28.11.2018 Liege, Belgium.
Abstract book, p. 79.
Suomi, J.
Effects of acceptance criteria on exposure and public health.
Risk Assessment Research Assembly, 7.2.2018 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Tuominen, P., Suomi, J.
Effects of acceptance criteria on exposure and public health.
Risk Assessment Research Assembly, 7.2.2018 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Tuominen, P., Suomi, J.
Effects of (legal) criteria on exposure and health at national level.
Risk Assessment Research Assembly, 7.2.2018 Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Tuomola, J., Marinova-Todorova, M., Hannunen, S.
Perunantuotantoa uhkaavat uudet ankeroislajit.
Maataloustieteen päivät 2018, 10. - 11.1.2018.
Abstract, poster.
Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran tiedote nro 34, s. 273.
Tuomola, J., Huitu, H., Yemshanov, D., Hannunen, S.
Uusi menetelmä tunnistaa tuotannon spatio-temporaalisen jakauman perusteella viljelyalueita, joilla tuhoojainvaasion todennäköisyys on kohonnut.
Maataloustieteen päivät 2018, 10. - 11.1.2018 Helsinki.
Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran tiedote nro 34, s. 103.
Viljamaa-Dirks, S., Kantala, T., Gadd, T., Holopainen, R., Kuukka-Anttila, H.
Infectious hematopoietic Necrosis (IHN) in Finland: Findings and Management.
Barentsvet 2018, 25.-27.9.2018 Murmansk, Russia.
Viljamaa-Dirks, S., Kuukka-Anttila, H.
Epidemiological aspects of the infectious hematopoietic necrosis (IHN) outbreak in Finland.
Annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratories for Fish Diseases, 30.-31.5.2018, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
Program book.