Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions page contains answers to questions submitted to the Food Market Ombudsman that are related to the Ombudsman's activities. Please check for an answer to your question on this page before contacting us.

You can contact the Ombudsman's office via the feedback form, by e-mail or by telephone. Contact information for the office can be found here.


The Food Market Ombudsman’s duties include issuing recommendations, opinions and proposals related to the functioning of the food supply chain and providing information and advice on good business practices.

In addition, the Ombudsman monitors compliance with the requirements concerning the correct form and content of food supply chain agreements and with the prohibitions on unfair terms and practices and inappropriate procedures.

The Ombudsman can be contacted in all matters that are related to the unfair implementation of contract terms between traders in the agricultural and food industries.

A matter concerning the infringement of a provision may be referred to the Food Market Ombudsman for consideration by:

  1. a party to the agreement;
  2. an operator whose operations are targeted in the practical application of the agreement or whose operations may be adversely affected; or
  3. a registered association that supervises the interests of traders.

The Food Market Ombudsman may also take up a matter referred to in subsection 1 up of their own initiative if it concerns an issue that is important for the functioning of the food supply chain.

Responding to enquiries produces valuable information for the Office of the Ombudsman on the functioning of the market and compliance with legislation. It is important that all shortcomings related to the food market are brought to the attention of the Ombudsman.

The amendments to the Food Market Act entered into force 1.11.2021. 
Information on the field of application can be found in the Food Market Act 1 § (soon available in English).

The Food Market Act applies to agreements and practices between traders related to the trade of food and agricultural products. 

If the matter concerns food trade between a consumer and the trader, the Food Market Ombudsman has no competence to resolve the matter. In matters concerning trade between the consumer and the trader, you can contact the Consumer Ombudsman at the Finnish Consumer and Competition Authority. The supervision of the Competition Act is within the competence of the Finnish Consumer and Competition Authority.

For more information on food safety, see the Finnish Food Authority’s website.

Price regulation does not fall within the competence of the Food Market Ombudsman.